Message From President/Chief Volunteer Officer

CEO Message

Welcome to IMAGHE, International Medical Associates for Global Health Empowerment Inc, a 501c3 incorporated non-profit organization. We are glad you made that divine decision to visit us, donate towards a great cause or perhaps join us to work towards a common goal.
In 2010, the World Health Organization reported that about a billion people worldwide could not afford basic health services. It has become more alarming in recent times, considering that in 2017, one in every four American refused medical care because they could not afford it.
You can imagine the outcome in a third world country. At IMAGHE, we do not pride ourselves of being the panacea to the present challenges in healthcare delivery, however, as global citizens, we believe that we can use our knowledge and expertise in medicine to provide fundamental healthcare services for people who need them the most.
Our mission at IMAGHE is to use the tools of preventive healthcare services and education to promote the health and wellness of especially people living in underprivileged circumstances as we provide free basic healthcare needs to these people. We would like to use this opportunity to welcome you to our organization and together help build a healthy world one village at a time